Lab Reports
Lab Test#1
USA :Analysis of the good crude before application of SAS-A For More Information about Dallas Laboratories Please visit :
USA :Please note this is the heavy crude that came from Egypt. Please review "DISCUSSION". The lower Sulfur content shows the improved refinability of the crude. For More Information about Dallas Laboratories Please visit :
LabTest #3
USA :This is heavy crude (25 gravity) which had some paraffin lumps in it ; SAS-A turned the crude viscosity from heavy to Light crude ( 31.2 - almost 32 gravity) which is refinable crude. There was 100% emulsification of any paraffin. Light crude will bring more money on the spot market than heavy crude. For More Information about Dallas Laboratories Please visit :
USA :DOWNHOLE SLUDGE (as hard as charcoal) SAS-B did what it is designed to do: It cleaned the CASING and the FORMATION which enhanced the production. It cleaned a lot of dirt and waste which can be discarded. It was agitated for only 10 minutes( since it was a small lab jar) and then it sat (without) agitation for 3 days. After this, the sludge went up (was suspended) and the residue (dirt waste) came down so that the casing and formation was cleaned which resulted in an increased production for a period of time depending on the amount of crude available in the formation. For More Information about Dallas Laboratories Please visit :
Aden Refinery LAB, YEMEN
Yemen :Aden Refinery Lab Report
Experiment to See effect of "SAS Products" on Sludge brought from Crude Tank

Kandal Refinery Lab
IRAQ : Erbil,Kandal Oil,Sulimaniya Refinery
SAS "A" & SAS "B" experiments done on the sludge brought from Crude Oil Tank and Dumped Sludge
USA:Experiment SAS Prodcuts with Crude oil Sludge Samples(ARTA)
For More Information about Dallas Laboratories Please visit :

AR' KON Consultants LABS,USA
USA: AR' KON Consultants Lab Report
Experiment to Show "SAS Products" are Water-based will not harm common metals and plastics
General Petroleum Company,EGYPT
Egypt: General Petroleum Company
Medical Report For "SAS Products"